19 September 2024

Fraunhofer IAF low-noise amplifiers used aboard ESA’s Arctic Weather Satellite

InGaAs-based mHEMTs enhanced for MMICs in LNA modules

18 September 2024

ESA’s Magellan project developing GaN transistors and high-power amplifiers for millimeter-wave satcoms

Fraunhofer IAF to develop GaN technology, implement HEMTs and MMICs and characterize and evaluate hardware

18 September 2024

Sweden’s Navigare Ventures takes stake in SweGaN

Equity round raises nearly 12M Euros

17 September
ETRI develops p-type selenium-tellurium alloy transistor

Overcoming low mobility of p-type semiconductors while improving display refresh rate and power consumption

16 September 2024

Mojo Vision partners with CY Vision to develop HUDs with micro-LED technology

Automotive displays to use AI and 3D imaging

16 September 2024

Nissin Ion collaborates with University of Arkansas’ program MUSiC

US national Multi-User Silicon Carbide Research and Fabrication Facility working with ion implanter manufacturer on new-generation equipment

13 September 2024
Transfer-printed lasers on silicon photonics
Improved alignment from fabrication after transfer.
13 September 2024

CSA Catapult and UK Electronics Skills Foundation coordinating Welsh Sparc bursaries

Innovate UK-funded ‘Spark their imagination; power their future’ project aims to support early careers in electronics

13 September 2024

InSiGa and POET demo laser driver and optical engine combo at CIOE 2024

POET’s 200Gx4 transmit optical engine using InSiGa’s 200G/lane EML driver for 800G and 1.6T modules

12 September 2024

POET streamlines global engineering organization in response to AI market demand

Closure of Allentown, PA operation to save US$2m annually

12 September 2024

POET selected by Mentech to supply engines for 800G and 1.6T optical modules

Optical product maker places initial orders to supply AI system operators and hyperscale data centers

12 September 2024

JEDEC publishes test method for addressing switching energy loss associated with output capacitance hysteresis

Document applies to both wide-bandgap and silicon power devices

AFC Industries
Pfeiffer Vacuum
ETA Research
News Features
5 September 2024
DBR-free thin-film InGaN VCSELs
Device achieves lasing without lateral confinement under optical pumping.
29 August 2024
Micro-LEDs on freestanding GaN
Optimized MQW increased external quantum efficiency from 7.9% to 14.8% at 10A/cm2 injection.
23 August 2024
High-current vertical diamond MOSFETs
Researchers achieve drain currents above 1A by connecting two devices.
9 August 2024
Red/yellow InGaN micro-LED photodetectors for visual light communications
Researchers demonstrate high-data-rate reception from white LED transmitters.
1 August 2024
Strain-engineering for green LEDs on silicon
Using single AlN buffer increased internal quantum efficiency from 33% to 78%.
24 July 2024
Nanoparticle-based zinc oxide homojunction LEDs
Nanoparticles provide hole injection into pn-junction.
Feature Downloads
2 September 2024

Fraunhofer IAF uses MOCVD to fabricate aluminum yttrium nitride
Alternative to magnetron sputtering of AlYN opens up commercial applications of AlYN/GaN heterostructures.

2 September 2024

Gallium nitride HEMTs on 8-inch sapphire
Researchers seek to reduce production costs for devices with blocking voltages beyond 1200V.

2 September 2024

Etching-free pixel definition for InGaN micro-LEDs
Selective thermal oxidation proposed as viable alternative to plasma etch.

2 September 2024

Red InGaN micro-LED on silicon prospecting
Pioneers reach ultra-high 4232PPI resolution.

2 September 2024

Near size-independent UV-A micro-LED performance
Researchers claim record for on-wafer EQE from sub-10μm device.

2 September 2024

Comparison between MBE and MOCVD technologies
Richard Hogg, III-V Epi chief technology officer and professor of Photonics at Aston Institute of Photonics Technology (AIPT), and Dr Neil Gerrard, III-V Epi director of epitaxy, explore the III-V semiconductor synthesis applications that each epitaxial growth technology best suits.

5 July 2024

InP-on-insulator substrates for 2.1μm lasers on silicon
Ion-slicing technique could enable lower-cost production of optoelectronics.

5 July 2024

PCSEL emits at more than 300mW CW at 1550nm wavelength
Potential applications include communications and eye-safe LiDAR.