AES Semigas


10 January 2023

Odyssey shipping vertical GaN product samples to customers from Q1

Odyssey Semiconductor Technologies Inc of Ithaca, NY, USA, which is developing high-voltage vertical power switching components based on proprietary gallium nitride (GaN) processing technology, says that fabrication of 650V and 1200V vertical GaN product samples was completed as planned in fourth-quarter 2022 and that shipments to customers will begin in first-quarter 2023.

“We will work closely with these initial customers to gain valuable feedback on their product features,” says CEO Mark Davidson. “We expect to secure product development agreements with customers by the end of Q2/2023.”

The completion of product sample fabrication requires significant intellectual property to fabricate products that apply to customer use-cases, says the firm. Odyssey adds that it continues to develop and protect the IP required and will gain further advantage by partnering with lead customers who will provide additional insights.

Odyssey reckons that its approach to vertical GaN will offer even greater commercial advantages over silicon than silicon carbide (SiC) or lateral GaN. Vertical GaN offers a 10x advantage over silicon carbide at performance and cost levels unattainable by the competing technologies, it is claimed.

Odyssey notes that the market it is pursuing is large and fast growing. The 650V segment is the larger market currently, expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20%. The 1200V product market segment is expected to grow faster, at a 63% CAGR, and is forecasted to become the larger market in the second half of this decade. Collectively, the 650V and 1200V power device market is forecasted by market research firm Yole Group to grow at a combined CAGR of 40% to more than $5bn in 2027.

See related items:

Odyssey achieves 1200V rating on vertical GaN power devices

Odyssey acquires fab to allow small-scale production over 10,000 wafers/year

Tags: Power electronics


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