

2 November 2010


EPC updates device models for E-mode GaN transistors

Efficient Power Conversion Corp (EPC) of El Segundo, CA, USA has made available on its web site updated device models for all of its enhancement-mode gallium-nitride-on-silicon (eGaN) field-effect transistors (FETs).

The updates improve the robustness of the models without changing the core equations. Performance predictions with the new models will be consistent with previous versions of EPC SPICE models.

TSPICE, PSPICE, LTSPICE and Spectre device models are provided to help designers of eGaN-based power conversion circuits and systems to understand the value of the EPC eGaN power transistor family and reduce their time-to-market with benchmark products.

EPC has also written an application note to help users to understand eGaN transistor capabilities and the applicability of the SPICE models.

See related item:

EPC launches 40–200V E-mode GaN power transistors

Search: EPC GaN FETs



For more: Latest issue of Semiconductor Today